Do NOT use flexible corrugated plastic pipe a yard drainage system.
Please first read Steps 1 through 4 of our Drainage Guide
The reasons include...
- Flexible corrugated pipe can not be cleaned when plugged
- Rigid PVC can be cleaned
- Rigid pipe is easier to install at the proper slope
Why to use rigid PVC drainage pipe instead...
I do not recommend using the flexible corrugated perforated plastic drain pipe for a home yard, lawn, or garden drainage system because it can not be cleaned out if roots, soil, leaves or an animal plugs it up.
The sewer snake with the whirling blade used by businesses like Roto-Rooter can not be used with flexible perforated corrugated plastic drain pipe because the material is too soft and the blade will tear right through the flexible drainage pipe and destroy your system.
Corrugated perforated flexible plastic drainage pipe is best left for farm fields where very long lengths need to be installed very cheaply - and where the system will never be cleaned out.
Instead use 4" rigid PVC drainage pipe that has holes along the bottom edge. This is commonly available at all building supply stores. The 4 inch rigid PVC drain pipe can be cleaned out with a Roto-Rooter machine - as long as you install a cleanout access point and use the proper fittings. Rigid PVC drainage pipe can be easily cut with a handsaw.
Rigid PVC drainage pipe has replaced the ceramic or clay drain tile used in the past. And it is much easier to install.
Another advantage of the rigid PVC drain pipe is that allows you to easy set your pipes at the proper slope, and it stays in place as you install your French drain pipes.

Our Articles about Drainage, Digging, and Trenching